Valsts budžeti Latvijā un Igaunijā: ne vienmēr mazāk nozīmē mazāk
39 pages
Austers, Aldis, Andris Sprūds. Valsts budžeti Latvijā un Igaunijā: ne vienmēr mazāk nozīmē mazāk. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 2016.
Aldis Auster's study “State Budgets in Latvia and Estonia: Not Always Less Means Less” analyzes the state budget expenditure policy in Latvia and Estonia by government functions, economic categories and levels of government. Consistent attention is paid to the analysis of government revenue policy, including aspects of fiscal discipline. This section also examines the budgeting procedures in both countries. The third part examines the relationship between the state budget and public confidence in the government and the risks to economic growth. The study provides a qualitative assessment of the various aspects between countries and identifies the main differences and their sources.