Associated researchers

Reinhard Krumm


Dr. Reinhard Krumm is an associated researcher at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs. was born in Hamburg, Germany. From 1991 to 1998 he worked as a journalist in the former Soviet Union, being the Baltic correspondent for Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) in Riga from 1994 to 1996 and serving as the Moscow correspondent of Der Spiegel magazine from 1996 to 1998. He then joined the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, directing offices, among others, in the Russian Federation (Moscow) as well as the Department of Central and Eastern Europe (Berlin). In 2016 he set up and directed the Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (Vienna); From November 2021 to July 2024 he headed the Regional Office for the Baltic States (Riga). Since then he is the director of the US office, based in Washington DC.

Reinhard Krumm comments frequently on current political events in the national and international media. He is a lecturer of Eastern European History at Regensburg University.
He is the author of Russlands Traum (Russia’s Dream) (Bonn 2019) and co-edited Restoring European Security: From Managing Relations to Principled Cooperation (Vienna 2021) as well as A Consensus Proposal for a Revised Regional Order in Post-Soviet Europe and Eurasia (RAND, Santa Monica, Calif. 2019).