#RSF2020 ep IX: Resilience in Modern Society

During the 9th and final "Riga Security Forum 2020" podcast session," we will discuss the resilience of modern society.
In the era of globalization, today's societies and media are faced with multifarious challenges. We must increasingly be able to respond to interconnected and unrelated uncertainties. How would a more resilient society look like? How do we raise awareness of potential risks and push towards more sustainable and inclusive policies? What is the role of our ideology today? How do we need to look at and approach modern liberal governments in the 21st century, what to expect, and what we should demand as a society?
- Tongdong Bai, Professor at School of Philosophy and Director at Chinese Philosophy and Culture Program, Fudan University, China;
- Roger A. Ritvo, Distinguished Professor at Auburn University Montgomery, USA.
Moderator: Sintija Broka, Researcher at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
The conversation from December 18 will be available here, LIIA social media accounts, as well as on YouTube, 'Spotify,' and 'Apple Podcast' platforms.
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More about the project learn over here.
The project is the result of successful collaboration between the Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA), the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Representation of the European Commission in Latvia, the German Federal Foreign Office, and Embassies of Poland, Canada, and Spain in Latvia.
Published 16 December 2020