#RSF2020 ep.V: Backward-looking autocrats within Euro-Atlantic security

During the 5th "Riga Security Forum 2020" podcast session we will discuss the internal and external development prospects of Belarus, the EU and NATO's role, Russia's interests, and an impact on the transatlantic community, our values, and norms. The question of the future of the EU Eastern Partnership will be addressed as well. 


  • Valdis Zatlers, President of the Republic of Latvia (2007 - 2011)
  • Marcin Przydacz, Undersecretary of State for Security, the Americas, Asia, and Eastern Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland
  • Arkady Moshes, The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood and Russia Programme Director at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs.

Moderator: Mārtiņš Vargulis, Researcher at LIIA.

The conversation is available here, LIIA social media accounts, as well as on YouTube, 'Spotify,' and 'Apple Podcast' platforms.

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More about the project learn over here.

The project is the result of successful collaboration between the Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA) the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Representation of the European Commission in Latvia, the German Federal Foreign Office, and Embassies of Poland, Canada, and Spain in Latvia.

Published 20 November 2020