The European External Action Service in the Light of Diplomatic Service Transformations

The state of play with the European Union’s European External Action Service (EEAS) demonstrates somewhat similar tendencies to the general transformations and shifts in modern diplomatic services. While these tendencies are affected by particular country specifics—such as history, economic ideology, diplomatic traditions, the size of the diplomatic service and the availability of financial resources—one can observe a separation of diplomats’ political responsibilities from any influence and role in external economic relations. In other words, there has been a gradual separation of economic motives and functions from political arguments and responsibilities in foreign as well as domestic affairs. This trend is particularly evident in countries, such as Latvia, that have chosen the (neo-)liberal economic approach on which the original research was based.

The European External Action Service in the Light of Diplomatic Service Transformations.pdf

Published 21 July 2011

Author Karlis Bukovskis