Eiro ieviešanas Latvijā politiskā dimensija
62 pages
Bukovskis, Kārlis. Eiro ieviešanas Latvijā politiskā dimensija. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 2014.
The aim of the research publication “The Political Dimension of the Introduction of the Euro in Latvia” was to interdisciplinary study the impact of Latvia's accession to the third level of Economic and Monetary Union on the country from a geopolitical, political party, society and historical perspective. The main argument addressed by the authors of the article is that the introduction of the euro in Latvia from 1 January 2014 should not be considered only as an economic process, as has most often been done, but it has made an impact on the country's geopolitical place, security, and economic and political affiliation to foreign policy. Assessing the events of the year before and one year after the introduction of the euro, it must be concluded that the process of euro area integration has obviously affected the country's economic situation, the possibilities of pursuing national interests and the relationship between Latvian society and state power. The project is the result of close cooperation between the teaching staff and scientists of Riga Stradins University and the researchers of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs.