Krievijas drošības politika iepretim kaimiņvalstīm līdz 2020. gadam: draudi un iespējas Latvijai

51 pages


Romanovs, Uģis, Mārtiņš Vērdiņš, Andris Sprūds. Krievijas drošības politika iepretim kaimiņvalstīm līdz 2020. gadam: draudi un iespējas Latvijai. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 2015.

The aim of this study "Russia's Security Policy Towards Its Neighbors Until 2020: Threats and Opportunities for Latvia" is to forecast and analyze the possible impact of the implementation of Russia's national priorities and security policy on the military security of Latvia. The main task of the first part, by analyzing Russia's military doctrine and Russia's national security strategy until 2020, is to identify the main directions of security policy and methods of their implementation. The study continues to summarize the goals and achievements of Russia's military reforms, including the development of military capabilities in Russia's Western Military Area. The second part of the study is a detailed analysis of Russian warfare techniques, which evaluates the experience of the Russian-Georgian war and recent events in Crimea. Next chapters put forward Russia's "Arctic ambitions" realization and the possible impact on Latvia's military security. Finally, advices and recommendations for the improvement of Latvia's national defense and security concepts are summarized.

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