Latvijas ārpolitika un starptautiskais stāvoklis
435 pages
Feldmanis, Inesis, Aivars Stranga, Mārtiņš Virsis. Latvijas ārpolitika un starptautiskais stāvoklis. 30. gadu otrā puse. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 1993.
This is an in-depth analyses of the most important issues confronting Latvian foreign policy- makers during the second half of the 1930s within the context of the international system prevailing at that time. The source material was collected in the archives of Riga, Moscow, Vilnius, Stockholm, Helsinki, Potsdam and Bonn. The authors have also used a wide range of published foreign policy documents and works by historians on international relations. Several problems raised in the book are analysed particularly from the historiographic point of view.