Latvijas intereses un iespējas Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Drošības padomes nepastāvīgās dalībvalsts statusā


Bukovskis, Kārlis. Latvijas intereses un iespējas Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Drošības padomes nepastāvīgās dalībvalsts statusā. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 2020.

The United Nations (UN) Security Council (UN) is the most influential format for global multilateral negotiations and the only UN body whose decisions are binding on all member states. In the interests of Latvia's national security, building the country's image, strengthening existing partnerships and improving the expertise of the diplomatic service, it is important for Latvia to both stand as a candidate and gain a permanent seat in this UN body.

Latvia deserves to have global visibility and influence. Latvian society and the diplomatic service have provided Latvia with unprecedented protection and partnership in the international system. However, the current geopolitical challenges force small and medium-sized countries to constantly act and remind themselves of the world. Latvia's membership in the UN Security Council for two years from 2026 to 2027 is necessary both for self-respect and to emphasize the irreversibility of its culture and independence in the world.

It is important for candidacy and potential membership in the UN Security Council to be part of the overall strategy of building the country's image and promoting Latvia, thus not losing the resources dedicated to candidacy. Otherwise, this will be an inefficient or even wasted opportunity and resource. The expansion of diplomatic contacts and experience to non-traditional regions of Latvia, as well as the involvement of Latvian society in the debate on global issues can be seen as significant positive side effects of Latvia's candidacy. In general, as a result of successful and coordinated action, Latvia would have the opportunity to strengthen the position of the Euro-Atlantic partners and the importance of the international legal system in general.

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