Small States in a Turbulent Environment: The Baltic Perspective

244 pages


Lejins, Atis, Zaneta Ozolina. Small States in a Turbulent Environment: The Baltic Perspective. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 1997.

This is the second LIIA research product. The goal of the project was to see how the search for Baltic security policy solutions was influenced by changes in the international environment after the Cold War, and the constraints and possibilities this changing environment created for small states. Different European security models and their possible consequences for the Baltic states are analysed, together with the security aspect of Baltic integration in the EU, the development of Baltic Sea regional cooperation and the security options which this cooperation can provide. Issues and problems in the integration of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania within the framework of Baltic cooperation are also examined as well as Russian domestic and external policies in 1995–1997 and their influence on Russia’s Baltic policies.

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