Ten Years in the Euro-Atlantic Community: Riga Conference Papers

150 pages


Spruds, Andris, Karlis Bukovskis. Ten Years in the Euro-Atlantic Community: Riga Conference Papers 2014. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2014.

"Ten Years in the Euro-Atlantic Community: Riga Conference Papers 2014" is a collection of analytical articles compliled by the Latvian Institute of International Affairs for The Riga Conference 2014. The authors of this publication bring diverse approaches, diverse views, and problems when debating current economic, political, and military security aspects in the Baltic States, in the European Union, or even from a global perspective. While touching upon the 10 year anniversary of the EU/NATO enlargement that embraced the Baltic States and most Central and Eastern European countries the authors are looking at the challenges from the point of view of the 2014 Ukrainian-Russian conflict and the future of the Eastern Partnership, from a geopolitical perspective of Central Asian countries, including historical, the political economy, smart defence, and energy security, as well as the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union points of view. 

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