Valsts drošības un aizsardzības izvērtējums, Latvijas Republikai ieejot 21. gadsimtā

56 pages


Valsts drošības un aizsardzības izvērtējums, Latvijas Republikai ieejot 21. gadsimtā. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 1998.

The brochure "Assessment of National Security and Defense as the Republic of Latvia Enters the 21st Century" is a publication of the most important documents on Latvian security and foreign policy – the Security Concept (approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on 06.05.1997.), the Defence Concept (approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on 13.06.1997.), the Main Directions of Latvian Foreign Policies up to 2005 (passed by Saeima on 07.04.1995.) and a supplement to this document – the Foreign Policy Concept (approved by Saeima on 07.04.1995.). The introduction is written by Gundars Zaļkalns, the former secretary of the National Security Council, who outlines Latvian security policy and its legal basis, the division of competence between different security and defence structures, and possible solutions to the main problems still outstanding.

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