Influence of Imigration on Ethnical Relations in Latvia in the Context of the EU Enlargement

91 pages


Influence of Imigration on Ethnical Relations in Latvia in the Context of the EU Enlargement. A Report. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2004.

The overall research project aims to promote democratic ethnic policies, consistent and balanced ethnic relations in Latvian population external migration conditions for EU enlargement. The direct aim is to study the outward migration of the population situation and its impact on ethnic relations in Latvian context of EU enlargement. Historically, the ethnic Latvian relations are largely determined by external factors of population migration. That is why the need to identify key external factors for migration (legislative, political, economic) that may affect the Latvian ethnic relations after EU enlargement. External environmental awareness will allow to plan and predict the interactions and correlations between the levels of external migration in the context of the EU and Latvian ethnic relations.

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