Latvija pasaules politikā: iespējas un ierobežojumi
83 pages
Ozoliņa, Žaneta. Latvija pasaules politikā: iespējas un ierobežojumi. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 1995.
In this book "Latvia in World Politics: Opportunities and Limitations" LIIA researchers D. Bleiere, Ž. Ozoliņa, A. Ozoliņš, A. Stranga and G. Štamers view different aspects of small states’ theory and of ongoing research in this field. The aim of the book was to offset the shortage of literature on international politics and security in Latvian, acutely felt by students of political science, but also by anybody with an interest in the topic. The book discusses the notion of the small state and the state of research in this field, the problem of foreign policy autonomy of the small state, relationships between big and small states from the point of view of security policy, geopolitics and small states, and future prospects of Latvia as small state in the European security system.