Latvijas imigrācijas politika: problēmas un perspektīvas

47 pages


Latvijas imigrācijas politika: problēmas un perspektīvas. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, Konrāda Adenauera fonds, 2006.

The main objective of the study "Latvian Immigration Policy: Problems and Perspectives" is to analyze the factors of immigration policy, as well as outline possible scenarios for policy-making, taking into account both advantages and disadvantages. Research project has the following objectives: (1) to identify potential risk factors related to immigration and emigration question development. This clarification of risk factors can be used both for policy formulation and Latvian foreign policy interests in defining the EU within the framework of (2) to offer a political alternative addressing complex binds to the Latvian labor mobility, demography, economic development and political environment.

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