NATO un ES sadarbība drošības jomā: atšķirīgi viedokļi un kopēji risinājumi

66 pages


Lejiņš, Atis. NATO un ES sadarbība drošības jomā: atšķirīgi viedokļi un kopēji risinājumi. Konferences materiāli. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 2003.

European-U.S relations have been thrown into turbulence as exemplified by the war in Iraq. However, a new relationship is being forged built upon common reference points. In this evolving situation a new dimension that had already been emerging before the war has been added, that of NATO– EU military cooperation. This was the theme of a conference in Riga on October 10, 2003. The themes analyzed were: The new NATO: Indispensible or Irrelevant?; NATO and EU in the Backwash of Atlantic Storms; NATO and ESDP: a Latvian View; The Impact of the New NATO and EU Member States; ESDP and NATO:Separable but not Separate.

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