Pastiprināta Eiropas Savienības austrumu kaimiņu politika: jautājumi un izaicinājumi
124 pages
Lejiņš, Atis. Pastiprināta Eiropas Savienības austrumu kaimiņu politika: jautājumi un izaicinājumi - Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 2007.
It is noted in this research "A Reinforced European Neighborhood Policy for the European Union: Issues and Challenges" that each round of enlargement has brought new challenges for the EU countries, for example, in the eighties Greece, Spain and Portugal intake led to reinforce the importance of regional policy. The enlargment of 2004 was not an exception. The new complex relationship with Russia, in relation with high energy prices and Russia's internal dynamics raises the issue of EU integration gaps. One such defect has so far been a lack of a common energy policy and the lack of integration in the EU energy supply system. So far the EU has been able to cope with the challenges of enlargement, it is hoped that this time the EU countries will be able to respond adequately to eliminate the need for internal integration and energy shortages.