Report: Latvian EU Pre-Presidency Conference “Moving the Union Forward: Involvement, Growth, Sustainability”
30 pages
Potjomkina, Diana. Report: Latvian EU Pre-Presidency Conference “Moving the Union Forward: Involvement, Growth, Sustainability”. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2015.
This report sums up the discussions of the Latvian EU Pre-Presidency Conference “Moving the Union Forward: Involvement, Growth, Sustainability” that took place in Riga on 4 December, 2014 – less than a month from the start of the Presidency. The aim of the conference was to shed light on the most vital and innovative priorities of the Latvian Presidency of the EU Council, and to provide a forum for independent and candid discussions among leading Latvian and European experts and policy-makers.
The event and the report were made possible by the conference partners – TEPSA and THESEUS – and essential support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the European Commission representation in Latvia, the European Parliament Information Office in Latvia, and the Latvian EU Presidency.