Sabiedrības integrācijas institucionālās politikas analīze

64 pages


Indāns, Ivars, Valts Kalniņš. Sabiedrības integrācijas institucionālās politikas analīze. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 2001.

The purpose of this research "Analysis of Institutional Policy of Social Integration" is to analyze main institutions that participate in the formation and implementation of the integration policy of Latvia’s society. The authors analyze institutions that already work in the field of society integration and offer recommendations for the improvement of the policy implementation. The analysis focus on institutional policy in the fields of civic participation, political integration, regional policy, language, culture, education and information. One of the main conclusions is the necessity to establish a society integration foundation. The foundation would manage particular projects by attracting domestic and foreign funding.

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