The Third Baltic-German Dialogue
56 pages
Lejiņš, Atis. Trešais Baltijas- Vācijas dialogs. Konferences materiāli. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 2004.
This was the third seminar devoted to the Baltic-German dialogue that are organized by the three Baltic international relations institutes and the German Institute for Internatinal and Security Affairs in Berlin. These seminars take place every year and the Riga seminar was hosted by the Latvian Institute of International Affairs. The Iraq war was already a fact and the Baltic states were almost members of the EU and NATO. The topics were divided into three main blocks: The future of the EU at 25, including the intergovernmental conference; NATO and European foreign and security policy, as well as relations with the USA; and EU relations with the countries between her and Russia after EU enlargement.