Tiesu vara un korupcija

188 pages


Kalniņš, Valts. Tiesu vara un korupcija. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, Phare Anti-Corruption Programme, Sorosa fonds- Latvija, 2001.

This is a report "Judiciary and Corruption" from a research project carried out at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs since January 1999 till March 2001. The purpose of the research is manyfold – (1) explore how Latvia’s judiciary fulfills its role in the prevention of corruption; (2) clarify what role the judiciary should play against corruption; (3) identify international norms in this particular field; and (4) suggest recommendations to elimate flaws that are found in Latvian judiciary institutions. The research is based on extensive data. The author has paid particular attention to inqueries done by the Prosecutor General’s office in cases where the suspicion of corruption has been present. Moreover the author conducted a range of interviews with Latvian judges. The analysis has focused on the independence, corruption and material support of judges. Certain aspects have been compared with Lithuania, estonia, France and Italy. At the end of the book, readers will find recommendations on how to improve the performance of particular judiciary institutions and reduce corruption.

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