Ziemeļeiropas drošības arhitektūra: paplašināšanās un Eiropas Drošības un aizsardzības identitātes ietekme
32 pages
Bleiere, Daina. Ziemeļeiropas drošības arhitektūra: paplašināšanās un Eiropas Drošības un aizsardzības identitātes ietekme. Rīga: Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, 2000.
The report "Northern European Security Architecture: Enlargement and the Impact of a European Security and Defense Identity", written by Dr. Daina Bleiere, a LIIA analyst, highlights the main issues raised at the international conference organized by LIIA, NATO, Latvian MoD, and KAS in Riga on September 25. The themes of the conference was devoted to the possible impact of the twin enlargements and the ESDI on the Northern European security architecture in the coming years. The main questions, which the report tries to answer, are how cooperation between NATO and the EU in security policy influence security in the Baltic Sea region– will it not influence Sweden and Finland to change their views of not joining military alliances? Can ESDI/ESDP delay the Baltic states from joining the Alliance? Will Russia change its negative attitude toward NATO enlargement that includes the Baltic states? What will be the role of the USA in the region after the presidential elections?